From my Quote Book: Let there be!

BeautyFrosting Quote of the Day is back!!
Did you miss it?

BFQOD: Let there be!

“Every time we say ‘Let there be!’ in any form, something happens.”
(Stella Terrill Mann)


BF Asks: “Let there be ______ today”!


BF QOD: Break a habit…

Confidential to a friend – and to all of us who might need to hear this today.

break a habit, habits, do something that makes you insecure, insecurity, change, confidence, college, leaving, goodbyes, changing, life, family, divorce, breakups

BF QOD: Break a habit

“Eliminate something superfluous from your life. Break a habit. Do something that makes you feel insecure.”
(Piero Ferrucci)

BF QOD: Living an inspired life

BFQOD: Our desires don't arrive on our schedule...

“One of the essential principles for living an inspired life is to remember that our desires don’t arrive on our own schedule. They arrive when they’re supposed to.”

(Dr. Wayne Dyer)

BF QOD: Cleaning will wait til tomorrow for Moms…


BF QOD: Cleaning can wait til tomorrow for moms...

“Oh, cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow, but children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.

So quiet down cobwebs. Dust go to sleep. I’m rocking my baby.
Babies don’t keep.”

(Ruth Hulburt Hamilton, 1958)



BF Asks: What is the best thing you ever stopped doing to pay attention to your little one?

BF QOD: Moms – Never Once Asked For Anything In Return


BFQOD: Moms never ask in return...


“My mother gave me life and never once asked for anything in return. That is her secret, you know; always giving without expectations. She is as constant as the sunrise, the moon, the stars and I count on her. She helps me find my way through the years and makes me laugh while doing it. There are some things that only a mother can do.” (Unknown)