BF On The Case -#SecretToGoodness: Part 1, The Mystery Begins…

Date posted: February 19, 2014 | By:

I’ve always loved a good mystery. I blame my mystery-loving Mom and Perry Mason.
So when I received this mystery box in the mail, I was excited to be on the case.

It's a BF Mystery... #SecretToGoodness

So why is this a mystery? A box filled with hair goodies to (hopefully) make my locks more lovely? What’s mysterious about that?

Well, my sleuthing compatriots, the mystery is that I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT PRODUCTS I’M TRYING!!! And for a beauty blogger, that can be a bit on the scary side.

But I’m excited. I have my Sherlock hat on, my magnifying glass out, a mirror and an open mind.

Let’s start with the facts, shall we?

Fact 1: I have a hashtag to use while on the case: #SecretToGoodness.

Fact 2: These unmarked golden bottles came in a cute box and are ready to party with my hair.

Fact 3. Um… Oh wait. Those are the only facts I have.

Anyway, I will be bringing you updates as to how the case is going, how my hair responds to the products and when I finally crack it (as in when the products are revealed to me).

So join me on the case, won’t you?



BF Asks: Who’s your favorite mystery character? 

*This is a sponsored post. Products provided to BeautyFrosting by Lunchbox Media.

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