Freewriting Friday: The truth about the past…

Date posted: August 17, 2012 | By:

A myriad of memories...One of my MANY collages over the years...

Recently, I had a nice, long talk with a friend about the power of memories. We agreed that some days, a memory can burn brighter than the sunshine in any modern moment.

And that, my friends, can be deceptive.

We build up the past in hopes of it taking away the pain of the present. Or the boredom. Or the troubles. Or simply the routine. It’s our escape into something that’s familiar while being just foreign and different enough from our current situation.

After many questions, a few tears, a couple glasses of wine and a goodbye, this is what I emailed my friend.

The past is precious because that’s exactly what it is.

It has PASSED us. Or, rather, we have passed it.
Memories remain those beautiful moments frozen in time for a reason.
Like a scene from a favorite movie we can’t  forget. 
Or the lyrics of a song, from the soundtrack of our life, that we will always recall.

As much as we may try to thaw out those memories, to recreate them…
we cannot.
We never will.
They will live THERE forever.
We must remember them. Cherish them. Share them. Grow from them. Let them live on in us. Pass them on. And move on.
Who we were is not who we are. Who we wanted to be is not always who we have become.

But, in the promise of the the wishes of the dreams, the hopes for those plans,  and the phantoms of our expectations, we become who we are meant to be.
And the adult us is way better than any child could have hoped for.
We wouldn’t have liked the person, now, that we wanted to become, then, very much anyways.
So cherish the past, relish the present and procrastinate, as much as possible, when it comes to the future.
We will wish for the very day, we are having now, one day down the road.

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