BF QOD: Beautiful You

In BeautyFrosting's own words...Beautiful You

Happy Friday, beauties!
Today’s BF QOD is straight from the horsey’s mouth…mine!
That’s right! The quote is from “Beautiful You”, a song I wrote for my 2008 debut album, Sweet Time.

“You can do anything. Dance, laugh and sing. You’re carried by love. All that you see will come to be so what will you do…beautiful you?” (Dawn McCoy

I wrote “Beautiful You” for a few young friends I’d met and then, as it happens sometimes, I realized I was writing the words for myself.

I’d like to say I was writing them for adolescent me… I was writing them for my friends – and for that insecure girl who kept mocking me back in the mirror every night.

So I wrote it for other girls in hopes they might never meet that mean girl in the mirror.

Funny how that happens.

Enjoy them, share them and I hope they mean as much to you now as they meant to me!


BF Asks: What words make you feel more beautiful and secure?

BeautyFrosting, a.k.a. Dawn McCoy, invites you….

Hi beauties,

Sorry the post-load is a little light today.

I have a show tonight and between that, work and the blog, I am toast!
Well, I’m toast but excited toast. Not to be confused with milk toast. (ba-dum-bum).

If you happen to be in Los Angeles tonight, come to The Hotel Cafe to see my do my other job as a singer/songwriter (Dawn McCoy).

Ooooooh, you didn’t know that, huh?
Well, now you do. Nice to meet ya!

BeautyFrosting, a.k.a., Dawn McCoy

Tickets can be found online at Hotel Cafe by clicking here: Dawn McCoy at Hotel Cafe tickets. If you buy them online, they’re $10. At the door tonight, they’re $20. Geez! Inflation!

Tonight, I’ll be singing some of my favorite songs I’ve written and doling out some homemade cookies.

BeautyFrosting, a.k.a., Dawn McCoy

A bribe? Perhaps. But, as I’ve mentioned before, sweet bribes are always thoughtful!

Hope to see you at The Hotel Cafe (1623 N. Cahuenga Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028) at 10:30 pm!

And tune in Monday for a whole week’s worth of beauty, baking and being!

BeautyFrosting, a.k.a., Dawn McCoy...and some ceramic roosters


BF Asks: Who’s your favorite country singer? Have you ever seen him/her play live?