A country breakfast always feeds the soul

Southern country breakfasts always feed the soul.

Southern country breakfasts always feed the soul.

A great breakfast with a great friend, Chris Richards at The Hart and the Hunter.

As much as life is changing for both of us, a country breakfast always stays the same, fueling our bodies, filling our hearts and feeding our souls.

#TemptationsForever 💗 


Tress Tuesday: hairdo by HairUWear Clip-in Bangs (yes, really)

Every time I see Sandra Bullock with bangs, I want them.


Every time I see my BFF, actress Sarah Jane Morris, with her new bangs – I want them.

Sarah Jane Morris - cute with any hairstyle but especially Michelle Pfeiffer meets Diane Lane with bangs


Even in the rain, her bangs look flawless. Mine would be a frizzilicious mess. Sigh.

Sarah Jane Morris with gorgeous bangs even in the rain...sigh. I covet.

In fact, anytime I see any cute actress with bangs – well – I want them.

But, alas, my face shape was not the kind that was born to wear bangs. At least not all the time with a commitment and all. And my naturally frizzy, curly fine hair takes some major effort when it comes to perfect bang-styling. One of my biggest beauty regrets is that I didn’t get a brazilian blowout or keratin treatment prior to shooting this music video (a duet with Chris Richards) of Not So California (go ahead, check it out! You know you wanna. Yep, I sing too!). Oh sure, the bangs look good in the beginning but by the time we’re shooting on the beach, oooooh boy!

Before Beach Shoot: Bang Perfection


Post-beach shoot: Ack!!!! What happened and how did those strange things appear on my head?

That’s why I am L-O-V-I-N-G, LOOOOOVING these hairdo by HairUWear clip-in bangs.

Yep, you read that right! These are CLIP-IN bangs by hairdo by HairUWear!!! ($29)


For only $29.00 at Ulta, you can have the option of bangs every day. And the best part? They are completely able to be styled as you wish. Want some feathered bangs? Get your groove on! Want to curl them for a little beach wave action? Get beachy, you little mermaid.

These are what they look for prior to easy clip-in:

What they look like on their own: hairdo by HairUWear clip-in bangs ($29)

As for me, I love popping them in when my hair is not the squeaky cleanest, I have a little too much front frizz going on or I just want to switch up my look for one of the dozens of events I have that week. I love that it’s presto-changeo with virtually no effort or styling. I just part my hair, position the bangs and go.

Depending on where you clip them in, you can make them longer or shorter so it is truly a breeze!

I wore them on Saturday to Meg’s birthday pool party and NO ONE knew they weren’t real.

Pulling one over everybody at Meg's pool party...

And we’re talking beauty and fashion bloggers here, people! I had to show them to make them believe me!

Just another girl with bangs...nothing to see here!

So I can vouch for these 100%. Just choose the best color for you, use the little clip-combs to secure and bang it out whenever your little heart desires! Super easy and super fun! I am loving this style alternative!!!




BF Asks: Do you look good with bangs or no bueno? 

BF QOD: Beautiful You

In BeautyFrosting's own words...Beautiful You

Happy Friday, beauties!
Today’s BF QOD is straight from the horsey’s mouth…mine!
That’s right! The quote is from “Beautiful You”, a song I wrote for my 2008 debut album, Sweet Time.

“You can do anything. Dance, laugh and sing. You’re carried by love. All that you see will come to be so what will you do…beautiful you?” (Dawn McCoy

I wrote “Beautiful You” for a few young friends I’d met and then, as it happens sometimes, I realized I was writing the words for myself.

I’d like to say I was writing them for adolescent me…but..no. I was writing them for my friends – and for that insecure girl who kept mocking me back in the mirror every night.

So I wrote it for other girls in hopes they might never meet that mean girl in the mirror.

Funny how that happens.

Enjoy them, share them and I hope they mean as much to you now as they meant to me!


BF Asks: What words make you feel more beautiful and secure?